Life is more than a passing wind...☁ its a squalling rain☂ that comes with storm and ends with rainbow♒ =)
Friday, December 31, 2010
-2010 Special: The happenings-
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
-Baka to Test to Shōkanjū 笨蛋,測驗,召喚獸-

The story centers around a boy named Akihisa Yoshii, also known as the idiot or "Baka" of the titled anime. He attends Fumizuki Academy, a school where the staff rigidly divides the students based on the results of their academic scores. At the start of the school, students are academically sorted by entrance exam test grades. The higher the grades, the higher the class, and the better the benefits. In this case, Class A is filled with the highest-scoring students; therefore, their classroom was filled with many prestigious items (air conditioners, fancy seats, laptops, a free snack bar, etc.), while the state of Class F is the complete opposite of that, representing the "bottom of the barrel" amenities.
This academy has something special, where all the students manage to call forth Summoned Beings (Shōkanjū, or "Avatars" in the official English translation). These Beings are used for battles between classes with the goal of capturing (or retaining) the best classroom facilities. Since Class A is filled with prodigies, they all have strong Summoned Beings, while Class F has drastically weak ones in comparison. A teacher must authorize/supervise each battle, and the health and strength of each summoned being is based on the student's last test score in that teacher's subject (i.e. Math, History, etc.). The beings lose points when struck by an opponent, and should the point count reach zero, the being and student are disqualified. However, if the student can leave the battle before reaching zero, these points can be replenished by taking a supplemental exam. The student's being may then return to the battle.
So what are you waiting for? Lets call for an ESB!! xXDD
(ESB = Exam Summoning Battle) Quite cool huh~ ;)

Friday, December 17, 2010
-Learner's life II-
Muaaa(as in me, yea)
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Ducks Quack, Eagles Soar!
Years ago, my friend, Harvey Mackay, told me a wonderful story about a cab driver that proved this point.
He was waiting in line for a ride at the airport. When a cab pulled up, the first thing Harvey noticed was that the taxi was polished to a bright shine. Smartly dressed in a white shirt, black tie, and freshly pressed black slacks, the cab driver jumped out and rounded the car to open the back passenger door for Harvey.
He handed my friend a laminated card and said: “I’m Wally, your driver. While I’m loading your bags in the trunk I’d like you to read my mission statement.”
Taken aback, Harvey read the card. It said:
Wally’s Mission Statement:
“To get my customers to their destination in the quickest, safest and cheapest way possible in a friendly environment.”
This blew Harvey away. Especially when he noticed that the inside of the cab matched the outside. Spotlessly clean!
As he slid behind the wheel, Wally said, “Would you like a cup of coffee? I have a thermos of regular and one of decaf.”
My friend said jokingly, “No, I’d prefer a soft drink.”
Wally smiled and said, “No problem. I have a cooler up front with regular and Diet Coke, water and orange juice.”
Almost stuttering, Harvey said, “I’ll take a Diet Coke.”
Handing him his drink, Wally said, “If you’d like something to read, I have The Wall Street Journal, Time, Sports Illustrated and USA Today.”
As they were pulling away, Wally handed my friend another laminated card.
“These are the stations I get and the music they play, if you’d like to listen to the radio.”
And as if that weren’t enough, Wally told Harvey that he had the air conditioning on and asked if the temperature was comfortable for him. Then he advised Harvey of the best route to his destination for that time of day. He also let him know that he’d be happy to chat and tell him about some of the sights or, if Harvey preferred, to leave him with his own thoughts.
“Tell me, Wally,” my amazed friend asked the driver, “have you always served customers like this?”
Wally smiled into the rearview mirror. “No, not always. In fact, it’s only been in the last two years. My first five years driving, I spent most of my time complaining like all the rest of the cabbies do. Then I heard the personal growth guru, Wayne Dyer, on the radio one day.
He had just written a book called “You’ll See It When You Believe It”. Dyer said that if you get up in the morning expecting to have a bad day, you’ll rarely disappoint yourself.
He said, “Stop complaining! Differentiate yourself from your competition. Don’t be a duck. Be an eagle. Ducks quack and complain. Eagles soar above the crowd.”
“That hit me right between the eyes,” said Wally. “Dyer was really talking about me. I was always quacking and complaining, so I decided to change my attitude and become an eagle. I looked around at the other cabs and their drivers. The cabs were dirty, the drivers were unfriendly, and the customers were unhappy. So I decided to make some changes. I put in a few at a time. When my customers responded well, I did more.”
“I take it that has paid off for you,” Harvey said.
“It sure has,” Wally replied. “My first year as an eagle, I doubled my income from the previous year. This year I’ll probably quadruple it. You were lucky to get me today. I don’t sit at cabstands anymore. My customers call me for appointments on my cell phone or leave a message on my answering machine. If I can’t pick them up myself, I get a reliable cabbie friend to do it and I take a piece of the action.”
Wally was phenomenal. He was running a limo service out of a Yellow Cab. I’ve probably told that story to more than fifty cab drivers over the years, and only two took the idea and ran with it. Whenever I go to their cities, I give them a call. The rest of the drivers quacked like ducks and told me all the reasons they couldn’t do any of what I was suggesting.
Wally the Cab Driver made a different choice. He decided to stop quacking like ducks and start soaring like eagles.
The above is based on a true story. This cabbie is based out of NY City. And I personally and truly love such customer service.
Give it a thought, how true it is. How many times we just start our day by complaining; – “Oh No! It’s a Monday.” And then go feeling miserable the entire day.
How many times, have we got up in the morning, felt the excitement within and exclaimed “This is going to be the BEST day of my life”. Now even if after saying that you seem to not have a good day then turn around and do say and feel “This too shall pass”.
At the end of the day, go to bed content that you know and feel right from the bottom of your heart that you have done the best you could. At the end of it, you will be the one who would have changed your own life forever.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Monday, November 8, 2010
-Animangaki 2010-

Wednesday, October 13, 2010
-Lessons of Life II-

Tuesday, September 14, 2010
-Learner's life-
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
-DK's quote-
(note: If u dono who he is, just assume that DK = Doctor Kingsley... XP Yea he got that potential~)
dK Quotes#13:失去,才知可贵;拥有,切记珍惜。
dK Quotes#16:玩中国象棋有赢和输,但是在真正的战争里,只有生或死。
dK Quotes#21:我自己制造出来的眼泪,由我自己擦干。
dk Quotes#23:恐怖的人不是每天举止粗鲁,大喊大叫的人。真正恐怖的人是不动声色,是喜是怒你怎样也看不出。
dK Quotes#28:如果你不解决问题,那就是问题解决你。
dK Quotes#32:没做过错事的人不是圣人,而是从来没做过事的人。
dK Quotes#33:一个成功的男人背后一定有一个女人,一个失败的男人是因为背后有太多的女人。
dK Quotes#36:Every achievement grows out from the seed of determination.
dK Quotes#39:男生的泪水比他们的血液珍贵多了。
dK Quotes#43:Love creates miracle;Miracle creates love.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
-Guys & Girls-
I say: Picking a guy should just be about 3 C's: Character, Condition, Career.
My lecturer says: Picking a girl is all bout 4 B's: Butt, Breast, Body, and Brain! >.< (LOL... @@)
I say girl is all about 3 B's : Beauty, Brain, Behaviour. =)
So... what say you? :D
Sunday, August 8, 2010
-Money Mood-


Each time something bad happens, you can choose to be victim or you can choose to learn from it. I always choose to learn from it.
Every time someone comes to me complaining, I can choose to accept their complaining or I can point out the positive side of life. I always choose the positive side of life.
But YES, it's not always that easy.

Life is all about choices. When you cut away all the junk every situation is a choice.
You choose how you react to situations.
You choose how people will affect your mood.
You choose to be in a good mood or bad mood.
It's your choice how you live your life.

Every day you have the choice to either enjoy your life or to hate it.
The only thing that is truly yours -- that no one can control or take from you -- is your attitude,
so if you can take care of that, everything else in life becomes much easier. =)
Thursday, July 29, 2010
JULY 2010 XD

Monday, July 19, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
But I must say that I learnt much from diff religion everyday~ And here is something to share~~
[I heard that Buddhism is not a religion, is a philosophical teaching of life. Hmm...]
Sunday, June 20, 2010
JUNE 2010 XD
Staying at hostel is only an option available for another 4 more months or so..Don't even know

Struggle crazily for study, still? Or enjoy life more??
Hope everyone appreciate everything around them, always. =)

Monday, May 17, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
Favorite Quotations
I shared 20 facebook pages, so now I will put 20 nice quote here :)
Why do we live? To see what lies ahead tomorrow! Whats the purpose to live? To oversee a better tomorrow that we all desire! Why do we change!? So that we can face our future!!
No matter how dark the night, morning always comes, and our journey begins anew.
-Lulu, Final Fantasy
Even if things didn't turn out the way you wanted them to, you simply have to accept them and move on. Understand?
-George, Suikoden
Human dreams of traveling in the speed of light, but they themselves can't even comprehend the speed of life.
-Song Leong
If it's not found out, a lie becomes the truth.
-Rowd, Suikoden
Don't say 'NO' to Problem. Say 'No Problem'.
-Song Leong
Every lie contains the truth, and every truth contains a lie...
-Shu, Suikoden
People always do crazy things, when they are in love.
-Meg, Hercules
The people and the friends that we have lost, or the dreams that have faded... Never forget them.
-Yuna, Final Fantasy
Hero doesn't complain much, he either change the world, or he changed for the world.
-Song Leong
Remember, life may lead you where you least expected, but have faith that you are exactly where you meant to be.
-Snow buddies
Only those who try will become.
-Kimahri, Final Fantasy
Whatever doesn't kill you simply makes you stronger.
Outside the dream world, life can be harsh, even cruel, but it is life.
-Auron, Final Fantasy
Memories are nice, but that's all they are.
-Rikku, FF
Apology is running. Yuna never run away.
-Kimahri, FF
要开心?容易。 要伤心?容易。 要装作不在乎?不难。。。只是很伤。。
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Facebook page
Its bits and pieces of small things in our life that is sounds kinda true when they put it in words... study, love, n other stuff..
P.S: I didn't join/like these pages anyway... just thought it might be a good idea to share~ :)
-facebook pages-
"A pretty face catches your eye but a pretty personality catches your heart."
"When I was a kid, I used to pop the little plastic bags in the supermarket."
"I like people who actually make an effort to keep a conversation alive."
"Not knowing what to text back, but not wanting the conversation to end."
"I Can Do It Perfectly, Until, I Try Showing Someone.Then I Can't Do It."
"I don't believe in 30 minute power naps. When I nap, I'm out for hours"
"talking to that one person and then suddenly everything is better (:"
"Yes my status is about you, I was just hoping you got the hint."
"I'm not gonna cry, i'm not gonna cry! "are you okay?" Damn it..*tears*"
"Better to know and be disappointed, than to never know and always wonder."
"No matter how close exams are..we still have time for faceboook!"
"I hate ppl who says they did not study yet they are studying crazily behind"
'When You Make No Sense At All , But Your Best Friend Completely Understands"
"During an exam, I add up all the possible marks I might get, to feel better"
"I need to get off of facebook and put my face IN A BOOK."
"Friday,last period,2 minutes to go till the bell rings...Best feeling ever"
"Ok im gonna study now...(3 hours later) ok.. im gonna study NOW.."
Friday, April 2, 2010
Dark April - Lights of Hope
Song leong is in a relationship.
24 likes, 28 comment.
40+ people, 8 who don't believe, 12 where asking who.
Some who wanna whack me, majority cares and congrates me, a lot of support, and a never-seen-before facebook comment in my history.
El Leo is in a relationship.
note: El Leo is my facebook name nia, nothing to do with my real name whatsoever.
It doesn't even starts as a typical April Fool Joke, but somehow it turns out to be something else...
My day here hasn't been a good one, having my resolution shaken, losing motivation... it's definitely a bad one for me.... but now knowing that so many people that are actually caring for me.... Really, Thanks a lot. :)
I found myself to be in more of a lousy and blur mode lately... I lost my water bottle, then umbrella, then my friend's file, then my own note, and now... I even lost my card holder. I somehow feels like, if things keep going like this.. I am gonna soon lost everything, including my friend.
Pursuing for ACCA, the intensive tuition class at Sunway here doesn't really please me. My coursemate for this sem is definitely of two extreme --> Over-relax type, and the over-study type.
When I started to do bad for my law paper, my lecturer started to lecturing about why should we even bother to take ACCA, she said its typical Malaysian mindset for youngster to study as much as they can and get a degree before we start to do anything else, which is.... logically, pointless. YES, that is what I am doing now.... Taking a course just for the sake of being a professional in the future earning money and thats it, wasting life following the trend of typical Malaysian.
Get back into the topic, my card holder... my student card and ACCA card were in there. And reapplying it will really takes a lot of time and losing it definitely cause me lots of trouble. Then there was this idea flowing through my mind: Maybe I should just stop here, the world is telling me to stop, stop thinking that I can do this, stop trying to planning for all these unnecessary thing, maybe its just time to get myself to work and start doing what I like.
The lecturer were right in a sense that, we never know when our life will end? We don't really care, and keep on assuming that there is still A LOOONG WAY TO GO in our life... because we haven't really lost some precious friend there... Malaysian mentality.
Some of my coursemate never stops complaining... and yes, I m not the type who likes to complain much when complaining will never help to solve my prob. So whats wrong with this world now? You are not the only one who is in trouble! And for some other... you like enjoying your life so much after all this so-called ordeal: exams!? So sing-k or movie afterward!? I'll do the same, most likely.. but what about others!?
Yes, I hate this cycle... when humans complain non-stop and started to be ignorant of others after their own problem disappear...
For those who wanna beat me up nicely for this prank.... think of this properly...
I am really thankful to see that when facebook addicter starts to worry about their love problem everyday... there's still so many people actually cared about someone's relationship status.
(Okay, maybe some is shouting in front of their com, Song Leong is not gonna last long with this XXX)
But, thank you, and that really gets me up to the beat of life.
Hope everyone will really appreciate things around them.
FOR those who are in a relationship, never forgot to care for your other half. Sometimes one gets lonely and another one gets annoyed. If u do not care for your partner when he/she is at his/her down side, then you simply don't deserve him at his best.
FOR those who are in a relationship PROBLEM, why the heck do you two even bother to become couples rather than friend? Treat them just like how you treat other friend, that is what gets you both started. You two started to have argument when you want the others to be perfect. There is no perfect lovers nor perfect couples. But... perfect friends might become lovers. XD
FOR those who seemingly found his/her other half, go for it! The fact that you are waiting can only means two thing: 1. You don't really like him/her. In this case, let go, pls, you are a jerk, accept it, and stop being one. OR 2. You are just simply waiting, waiting can only means, you are trying to escape. YOU CAN NEVER ESCAPE. If it is meant to be happen, it WILL happen.
FOR those who is still hurt... get yourself recovered! You are still breathing, that is more than enough. Now treat yourself better... then others will learn how to treat you good. :)
and FOR those who is still single... I have no advice nor suggestion here. Just two words: Same here. Aihz…
Casslyn: You dog... its a April Fool joke... and you're suppose to send me postcard with leng nui's... XD (The important part is the postcard, not the leng nui :X)
Shey Man: After study, then love comes next, just be prepared bah... tomorrow will always be a better day :)
Ern Chee: Haha... thx ya XD If really got then sure tell u all ji mui 1st one mah :P
Chui Mei: With erm.... a lot leh... first law paper dump me, den now my card holder oso dump me... sat luen jorrr :(
Nip: Dono.... :( Lack of love luck perhaps? ><
SusanChin: Ok... now I admit it... that... its April Fool prank :X (pitylar ur jr so lonely ni!)
YitAn: Hehe... but be honest, I still love.... classical musics! :D How bout ur Romeo? :P
JunKang: I bukannya UUM nor Sunway leng zai... I m in the lonely group :( Have to accept this cruel fact >.<
KahMan, Sprite: Erm... yea, someone you know... someone you know(SongLeong) just prank-ed you. :P
MengHung, KinLeong: Aihz... sifu u wan then hit me bah.. One year 365 days on April Fool ny I can put this status... cukup cham dah.. Appreciate ur other half lar(to KinLeong oso)...
IngTing: Thx ya... :) Just believe in hope and everyday will always be a better day k? :D (Better than those single one de lorr...)
ShirleyWong: Thx alot!!! Really gam dong lar u said that.. If got nice girl then I let u 'guo mu' 1st okay? ^^
XiaoYue, ManKhang, SiewSin, Satthia, Desmond: Thx ya hehe... say.... how come u ppl still single pulak? @.@
MandyLiow: Thx o~ wish u n ur dear always happy ya ;) (always sweet till make me jealous....)
Kent, AnneYap, SinLing, Aries, Lawrence: Tahu tak ape... just never ingat that so many ppl actually believe me... so gam dong :')
Monday, March 1, 2010
-Lessons of Life-

Woots… 旺旺牛年过了啦~ 新年来咯。。。这次的威虎年比起要过2010新年的到来时感觉学习了更多东西,成熟了些。。。 ^^v
而且这次的新年还过得蛮不错的呢~ =) 照片嘛?? Facebook我慢慢放咯`。。 :P
这次就把学到的东西分享分享下吧~! J
P.S: 很多都是从不同地方学回来的。。希望读了能让大家获益良多吧~ ^^
- 爱,无论是亲情或情侣之间的爱,就算是冷漠了。。。 如果没人踏出第一步,你就永远都不知道其余的999步应该向哪个方向走。。
- “向外跨出一步”只是开始而已,和心仪的人约会中的感觉才是最重要的,你必须相信自己的直觉,所谓恋爱的机会要靠自己去开创。
- 时间不等人。。。 爱,也未必会等。所以不要浪费青春,把握身边的每个人和事,珍惜身边的家人和朋友。爱,其实就在身边。。
- 爱一个人的时候,会觉得所有人都可爱;恨一个人的时候,则以为所有人都很可恨。爱是如此盲目,我们明明只是爱了某一个,只恨过某一个。不用扩大你的爱,因为你爱的那人,希望你眼中只有他。不要扩大你的恨,因为还有更多幸福的机会在前方的路上等待和你相遇。
- 不要把事情复杂化,爱情,一开始不就是在这复杂的世界上最简单纯真的东西吗?
- 这就是年轻人的爱情。。。 如此盲目,如此忘我地把现实遗忘了。。
- 人不是有了爱情,万难既不存在,很多事情都可能变爱情的难关。
- 世界上是没有完美的人,有的只是肯为你改变,肯等你改变,肯珍惜你,也值得你去珍惜的人。。
- 很多情侣刚认识或拍拖时,就会一直比较对方,觉得双方很适合;久了,会觉得其实双方一开始(或慢慢地)就不适合了。。。 其实,世上没有真正完全适合的情侣,只有完全珍惜对方的情侣。
- 爱情上是没有适合或不适合的,只有珍惜,和不珍惜。会珍惜你的人,是值得你去珍惜的人。不珍惜你的人,是不值得你去珍惜的人。
- 最适合的人,不一定会珍惜你;可是会一直珍惜你的人,就一定是最适合的人。
- 信不信,很多人看了我以上的主题后,都认为爱。。很难得到。 其实,父母可以给的爱,也是爱。所以请珍惜家人,别忘了他们。
- 而朋友之间的友爱,其实才是能够维持最久的爱。。 从前的好友,去了哪里了?
- 很多人认为爱就是痛苦。。。其实,这是不对的。 寂寞是一种痛,拒绝是一种痛,失去是一种痛,妒忌也是一种痛。 只是我们都把这些东西和爱情混乱了。。实际上,爱情,是世上唯一能够把这些痛苦包容,再次带给我们希望和快乐的东西。
- 真正的好友,就算很久不见,见面了也不会觉得尴尬;就算很久不见,也不会忘记对方。
- 学会包容别人的错误,是一种成长。
- 原谅,是世上一个很伟大的力量。
- 我们从出世以来生不带来任何东西,死也不带走任何财富。所以物质不是最重要的。。。想想,这样的话,那又何必去记别人的过错,何不原谅他人,让世界更美丽。。
- 如果鬼很可怕,那么最可怕的不是幽魂鬼,而是懒惰鬼!;如果魔比鬼更恐怖,那么最恐怖的不是色魔,而是病魔!;如果鬼和魔都一样可怕。。。其实,人,才是最恐怖的。。
- 真正的朋友,不是因为你是什么人而选择你的朋友,而是因为你是你,而继续跟你做朋友的人。
- 世上没有完美的人,也没有完美的朋友。所以无论你多么的讨人厌,能够包容你,继续跟你做朋友的人,才是真正的朋友。
- 在你低潮时不肯帮你的人,不值得你成功的时候去记得他。。
- 外表看起来美丽的人,内心不一定也是美的。。 内心美丽的人,外表也会越看越顺眼。。。 内在美,才最美。
- 身有残缺的人,我们同情,我们了解,我们包容。我们一直以为我们都很有学问,我们都是好人,可是。。。我们都不是。 因为我们只看外表,不看内在。 身边的人,说冷笑话的,讲话不经过大脑的,不会讲话的人,我们都不喜欢,可是其实,又有谁是天生要惹人讨厌的呢?其实他们要的只是一点点的焦点,他们的残缺,就是不善于沟通,不善于讲话,而我们这种不谅解他们,不包容他们的人,才是有最大残缺的人—〉心里残缺。