Thursday, November 29, 2007

-Hope 希望-

Yunalesca: Sin is eternal. It is an inevitable part of Spira's destiny. It is neverending.
Wakka: Neverending? But... but... if we atone for our crimes, Sin will stop coming back, ya? Someday, it'll be gone, ya?

Yunalesca: Will humanity ever attain such purity?
Lulu: This... this cannot be! The teachings state that we can exorcise Sin with complete atonement! It's been our only hope all these years!

Yunalesca: Hope is... comforting. It allows us to accept fate, however tragic it might be. Without hope, they would drown in their sorrow. Your father sacrificed himself to give that hope to the people. So they would forget sorrow.
Yuna: Wrong. My father... My father make Spira's sorrow go away. Not just cover it up with lies!

Yunalesca: Sorrow cannot be abolished. It is meaningless to try.
Yuna: My father... I loved him. So I... I will live with my sorrow, I will live my own life! I will defeat sorrow, in his place. I will stand my ground and be strong. I don't know when it will be but someday, I will conquer it. And I will do it without... false hope.

Yunalesca: Poor creature. You would throw away hope. Well... I will free you before you can drown in your sorrow. It is better for you to die in hope than to live in despair. Let me be your liberator.
Auron: Now! This is it! Now is the time to choose! Die and be free of pain or live and fight your sorrow! Now is the time to shape your stories! Your fate is in your hands!

the Message from the Natural 感受大自然的心声。。。

This is what you see at Kuantan's sky nowadays...
Silent... and calm... and you shall hear the sound of the sky with your heart...

The sky reflects our life, it is unpredictable, just like human's heart... just like our life...
Can you "feel" these pictures? Even when darkest time fall upon us, the light, is always just at the other side of the darkness... walk through the border, n u shall find light, u shall find hope...
Do not give up on things that you believed!
(Note: These picture consist of half-dark n half-light of the sky, in case anyone didnt notice it...)

天空,都无时地在跟我们沟通。。。 它的心声,您听见了吗?

。。在天空 最黑暗 的一面呈现给我们看 的时候, 黑暗的反面--光亮, 就像镜子那样, 反映在世界的 另一边。
黑暗和光亮, 即是最远, 也是最近的距离。。。 请不要放弃希望, 因为, 在我们没发觉时, 它就站在 最黑暗之处, 照亮我们的另一半 ,领导我们, 走向光之门。。。

The Miraculous Natural 天空之奇迹:

In our fast-paced life, there may be many things that we can get if we work hard enough, there also may be things that we might have missed out...
Miracle, may be somethings that we can get, but it also may be something that we'll have...
But when you are lonely... speak to the natural... and you'll found out that miracle is just around you... (when you're lonely, speak to my blog!! XD Leave comment lar...)
在关丹城市里, 在人们繁忙 的生活中, 在世界 不停的奔跑时。。。 即使是在天空, 或者是在生活中, 只要放慢 生活脚步, 感受周围 的一事一物, 聆听周遭的声音。。。 奇迹,就在你面前。。。

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Quote 名句

Posted more than enough pictures for a beginner... Well, time to flood this page up with some words... XD
Not gonna be talkative in this blog... but... I shall decorate things up for those ppl who nvr watch any anime nor manga dat I posted...
也不知道 要在这里 写什么, 只好抽出些 我喜欢的 漫画意句 来放在这里啦。。。 :)

Tsubasa Chronicles/ TSUBASA翼 :
- You must not give up at anything, no matter how embarrassing it may seem,
even if someone laugh at you. If you give up, you won’t be able to go forward from where you are.

- Lives that are lost cannot be returned.
That is why lives are precious, and living is wonderful.

- 虽然现在 我能做 的事是 十分少, 但 我还是会 努力 的去做, 因为 即使 事情是 如何细小, 即使 前进的步伐 如何细小, 所有 的事情 也必定 连锁着 未来的。

-难过的事。。。。用不着一直去想,因为就算 你想 忘掉也好。。。。也是不会忘掉的。

- 有时候 想哭的时候 能哭出来,也算是一种坚强啊~

Black Cat/ 黑猫:
-I always believed that the past isn't something that one can cast away so easily.
It's a part of who you are... It's the same for everyone.
You can't go on living if you can't carry the weight of your past...
So you have to appreciate... The harvest that you sowed.
You have to decide how to live in the present....

Brighten up your 'night'! 照亮你晚上(黑暗)的心情!

Stress is a part of one's life, but even when we are stressed, taking a break once a while isn't so bad... Hey! Stay happy! :)
偶尔休息下,换下心情,再快快乐乐地上路吧! :D

Brigthen up your night with these fireworks! Tamaya~~

Death Note 死亡笔记

- Death Note + Bleach = ?
- 《死亡笔记》 + 《死神》 = ?

- For Death Note fans... Its really funny... lol!
- 献给《死亡笔记》粉丝 的 搞笑 图画! XD

Tsubasa Chronicle(anime) TSUBASA翼(动画)

- Tomoyo-hime
- 知世公主

- Sakura + Syaoran
- 小樱 + 小狼

- Romantic scene between Syaoran and Sakura...
- 小狼 和 小樱 的 罗曼蒂克 片断! ><
- Princess Tomoyo + Kurogane, the man of true strength
- 知世公主 + 黑钢,真正的强者

- Fye, the cursed sorcerer + Chii
- 法伊,被下咒的魔术师 + 小唧

Tsubasa Chronicle(manga) TSUBASA翼(漫画)

Everyone is a Chibi!! Aaahh!! XD
Battles between two: one original and one fake, one good and one evil... but one things that are certain... both, are strong...

Black Cat(manga) 黑貓(漫画)

Some nice pictures from Black Cat(manga)
-Train + Saya
- Their conversation is rather funny... :D

- 托雷 + 沙耶

Shiki + Hellfire
- He is quite cool with this move @.@
希奇 + 地狱之火!
- 劲啊!

-Cool? She is cute! XD