Thursday, November 29, 2007

the Message from the Natural 感受大自然的心声。。。

This is what you see at Kuantan's sky nowadays...
Silent... and calm... and you shall hear the sound of the sky with your heart...

The sky reflects our life, it is unpredictable, just like human's heart... just like our life...
Can you "feel" these pictures? Even when darkest time fall upon us, the light, is always just at the other side of the darkness... walk through the border, n u shall find light, u shall find hope...
Do not give up on things that you believed!
(Note: These picture consist of half-dark n half-light of the sky, in case anyone didnt notice it...)

天空,都无时地在跟我们沟通。。。 它的心声,您听见了吗?

。。在天空 最黑暗 的一面呈现给我们看 的时候, 黑暗的反面--光亮, 就像镜子那样, 反映在世界的 另一边。
黑暗和光亮, 即是最远, 也是最近的距离。。。 请不要放弃希望, 因为, 在我们没发觉时, 它就站在 最黑暗之处, 照亮我们的另一半 ,领导我们, 走向光之门。。。

The Miraculous Natural 天空之奇迹:

In our fast-paced life, there may be many things that we can get if we work hard enough, there also may be things that we might have missed out...
Miracle, may be somethings that we can get, but it also may be something that we'll have...
But when you are lonely... speak to the natural... and you'll found out that miracle is just around you... (when you're lonely, speak to my blog!! XD Leave comment lar...)
在关丹城市里, 在人们繁忙 的生活中, 在世界 不停的奔跑时。。。 即使是在天空, 或者是在生活中, 只要放慢 生活脚步, 感受周围 的一事一物, 聆听周遭的声音。。。 奇迹,就在你面前。。。

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