Tuesday, March 29, 2011

-Wake Up Call by Newspaper-

My long lost dual chinese-english post. Its actually excerpt from online news but nevertheless its here to promote some long lost value of humanity which I hope everyone can get it.
Do enjoy reading.

哈哈,部落格好久没有中英版的文章了哦。。。虽然写写下有点怀念写中文的感觉~ 可是还是长话短说吧!=D 两篇蛮有意识(和现实)的新闻,真人真事,放在这里分享下吧,毕竟部落格不单是我的日记,不是我一个人看的。(虽然也没人看?XD)  :P

Shortcut? The chinese news is about a 20 years old scholar who died out of fatigue(NOTE: NOT out of STRESS) for rushing to complete his assignment with due date on 1st of April. He died on 27th March, which is 3 days before the due date. What is the point for the glory of victory if you lose out something more valuable?
The 2nd article is for you to read, so... no slacking. Otherwise you wouldn't be reading this already.

不是说给不译英文的人看的,只是如果你懒惰读第二篇新闻的话呢,那是关于‘地球日’的新闻来的。主题是说不要盲目的跟从别人的脚步,所谓的保护地球,其实只是一种社会新象,一种自我安慰的行为而以。不要为了那尊严保护所谓的地球,请诚恳地爱惜地球,爱惜自己的家~ 所谓的地球日,不是要你关灯为了点更多蜡烛,驾车去更远的地方乘机走走(其实这样会制造更多的二氧化碳!),而是要你记得爱惜你已遗忘的‘家’。
(注:此文章建议人们只要节省用电,那么每一天就是‘Earth Hour’,每一天都是‘地球日’了。)

熬夜趕畢展 20歲大專生猝死




徹夜討論 只睡1小時







Just do a ‘kind act’ to celebrate Earth Hour

Earth Hour started off with a noble aim. Just turn off lights for an hour one Saturday evening in March, to show your support to curb climate change. It was meant to remind people to rethink their energy usage.

But things soon got out of hand, especially here in Malaysia. People organised various activities to mark the event. So we see concerts, events at malls, candlelight dinners and even candle-lighting events – activities which, instead of reducing our carbon footprint, inflates it.

When events are held, it involves transportation. People have to get to the venue. Even if they carpool, it would still involve driving, hence burning of more petrol and release of more carbon dioxide. And no matter how low-key the event (for instance, a dance in the dark), a certain amount of energy is still needed.

One of the most wasteful acts that one can do for Earth Hour is lighting candles – especially when done in masses. You would be burning candles unnecessarily, and emitting more carbon dioxide and air pollutants such as soot.

Last year, some people marked Earth Hour by going out for a family dinner. It is ironical – and totally against the Earth Hour spirit – to see diners wolfing down slabs of steak and basically, over-eating.

People do not realise that farming and livestock rearing are big greenhouse gas emitters.

In fact, true-blue greenies don’t even bother celebrating Earth Hour. For them, curbing electricity use is already an every day affair and they see no necessity to do something to mark the event.

They view the powering down for an hour as mere green tokenism – it is a convenient act which is quickly forgotten when people return to their normal, energy-intensive lifestyle.

Faced with such censure, the organisers of Earth Hour have, this year, wisely urged people “to go beyond the hour” by pledging to do a kind act for the planet.

It is time to revert to the original intention of Earth Hour. The collective turning off of lights is a symbolic act to remind us that we must do more. Otherwise, we’d be frying our planet.

So, if you must mark Earth Hour, do it simply, for instance, by staying in. Turn off unnecessary lights. Cook a light vegetarian dinner (of locally grown greens, of course) and hold a family discussion on what you all intend to do for the rest of the year to save electricity.

To support Earth Hour, you certainly need not do anything elaborate.

Whatever you do, don’t go somewhere just to celebrate.

The other thing to remember is that no electricity is actually “saved” with the one-hour blackout.

The power would have already been generated by power plants. So, the best way to mark Earth Hour is to do it every hour, every day.

Monday, March 28, 2011

The truth..


And we have to bear the pain if we ever wanted to accept it.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Sometimes... I just do my best in everything n leave no anxiety to stall my path of success.

Sometimes... I am just merely trying to survive. Whatever that doesn't kill u makes you stronger.

Sometimes... I am just trying to be stronger. There is no point NOT being strong, u can't do anything.

Sometimes... I am afraid of death, of darkness, of loneliness, of being afraid of myself, for being a coward.

Sometimes... I am weak. I learnt, to be strong.

Sometimes... Learning is just fun. But people can never differentiate it from studying, memorizing, scoring, jolting, or reading. Learning is just about understanding, nothing else.

Sometimes... everyone takes things too seriously, which I don't. Because the more you learn, the more you found out that there is more to learn. There is no end... no point struggling over perfection.

Sometimes... imperfection IS perfection. Yet people choose to believe perfectionism than simplistic life.

Sometimes... I relive my childhood... at least by smiling more :)

Sometimes... I try to bring out my neverending positive energy to motivates people, actually all I wanted is just people to cheer me up back when I am about to fall.

Sometimes... I just keep to my carefree style while being honest, but apparently being honest means u have to be strict. People don't buy sincerity anymore, they bought society norm by paying with their life principle.

Sometimes... I keep on believing myself n to be myself, I do things only... because I wanted to. AND/OR because... it is just right to do so, nothing else. (I dun buy the concept of being a gentlemen, I just DO IT because it is RIGHT)

Sometimes... I just simply love my life now, because I am still breathing... eating helps. :D There is no point wanted to return to the past, because the future-me will want to return to my time now, life isn't going worst, for me we just have to relive the best of our life, with new friends. :)

Sometimes... I just tend to stay lazy, slack off. When people can already do it better than me in that sense, I'll just let them be. It isn't that I m not competitive or what, it's just that many things in life worth chasing will end up losing their value faster than you can ever think.

Sometimes... people around me just don't realize this, everything in this world has NO VALUE. It is US human who gave value to Everything. Religion, Wealth, Tradition, Friendship, Family, Love, Education. You should just give value to things you wanna hold dear, thats all, no more, no less.

Sometimes... I dream big, yet at times I remain calm and perfectly realistic(not materialistic), it happens to me that both contradicts in my life.

Sometimes... I just want happiness like people do, but I can't help to think that whether we should stay a fool like all others who pursue short term things with apparently no value, or should I just be myself..... a fool who every successful man begins with?(And apparently only out of 1000 fools only 2 becomes successful, like, president?)

Sometimes... I just need people to care about me, just like others do. (Not trying to get those meaningless attention that would just fade away thou)

Sometimes... I got a lot of thought in my mind which makes things very clear for me. But mediocrity of my knowledge makes me unable to display such thought in words before it disappear. So... it end up that..
Sometimes.... I just wanna update my blog but I end up crapping a lot. :X

Night peeps. :)

Monday, March 14, 2011

The end of the world... of humanity?

Recently... when Haiti n Sichuan was struck by earthquakes, ppl come up with the 2012 theory again by linking their respective date of May 12(Si Chuan), Jan 12(Haiti), and Feb 27th (Chile) to form 12-12-27. The year-month-day based of the 2012 apocalypse prediction.

In respond to the fear striking post, a mediocre calculation is computed by someone-
KSL's prediction: world's apocalypse(sort of) on the year of 2012, Dec 27, at morning 11:14. Based on everyone's fav random-earthquake-number-premonition: 512Sichuan+112Haiti+227Chile+311Chile+414QingHaiChina = 12-12-27-11-14. XXDD

And this year, when earthquakes and tsunami hits Sendai, Japan on March. Traumatized organism shows their intellect on rather superstitious premonition.... again.
"USA lost many lives on 9-11-01 Now, Japan has lost more lives on 3-10-11 Add the 2 dates together and you'll get 12-21-12. Coincidence has never been so frightening"

And so, the same dweebie do some rather on-the-surface research n again come out with his own view:
Fact vs conspiracy(what-so-ever):
During 2008 Haiti Earthquake of 7.0, it shocks the whole world together with its terrifying 316k death toll. And then the same disaster strike the world's fear on 2010 Haiti, 8.8 magnitude but with minimal 500 death toll.

This year, Sendai quake of 9.0 struck Japan, with death toll of 1000 n estimated increase to 10k ppl, compare to 316k death toll when the whole world wakes up... I tink its too soon to end humanity. We are just getting better. Gambateh Nippon-Jin n the world.

Conclusion? 2012 Conspiracy happens to be dated at 21st of Dec 2012. The first rumors about it is on 27th of Dec. Coincidence? Yeah...
So how about the scary 911 + Japan quake thing? Waaa..... Google it. The recent Sendai earthquake happens on Jap time March 11. Not on 10 March, unless u plan to go around the world changing its time as u like.
Coincidence? I dono... but what I can tell u is. Its already the end of humanity. Bcoz human are trying to strike fear into others heart, slowly killing our own race... by our own hand..

As human strive to fight each other to prove dominance on others culture. There is no such thing as diversification. There is only one race on earth: The Human Race.