Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Quote 名句

Posted more than enough pictures for a beginner... Well, time to flood this page up with some words... XD
Not gonna be talkative in this blog... but... I shall decorate things up for those ppl who nvr watch any anime nor manga dat I posted...
也不知道 要在这里 写什么, 只好抽出些 我喜欢的 漫画意句 来放在这里啦。。。 :)

Tsubasa Chronicles/ TSUBASA翼 :
- You must not give up at anything, no matter how embarrassing it may seem,
even if someone laugh at you. If you give up, you won’t be able to go forward from where you are.

- Lives that are lost cannot be returned.
That is why lives are precious, and living is wonderful.

- 虽然现在 我能做 的事是 十分少, 但 我还是会 努力 的去做, 因为 即使 事情是 如何细小, 即使 前进的步伐 如何细小, 所有 的事情 也必定 连锁着 未来的。

-难过的事。。。。用不着一直去想,因为就算 你想 忘掉也好。。。。也是不会忘掉的。

- 有时候 想哭的时候 能哭出来,也算是一种坚强啊~

Black Cat/ 黑猫:
-I always believed that the past isn't something that one can cast away so easily.
It's a part of who you are... It's the same for everyone.
You can't go on living if you can't carry the weight of your past...
So you have to appreciate... The harvest that you sowed.
You have to decide how to live in the present....

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