Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Viper Challenge 2015!! (Part.1/2) - Overview of the whole experience

This is a simple background write-ups about my Viper Challenge 2015 experience~

A little back-story
Back then when Viper Challenge first organised in Malaysia(Asia) two years ago, my friend Wai Leng told me about the event and urge me to go and give it a try for something that seems challengingly fun! After a little google-ing about the event, it seems a little bit too extreme for someone unfit like me D':

The evolution:
During the 2nd year inception of Viper Challenge into Asia, the event received an overwhelming respond due to the fun element instilled within the physical challenge itself. With the growing trend of physical event in Malaysia, many saw this as the golden opportunity to set another life goal on the line. To conquer Viper Challenge!!

The one-a-kind motivation:
As for me, I signed up as a volunteer of the event and got accepted to help out for this amazing event during last year October. It was nothing short of fun knowing all the amazing new friends around as we get along very well trying to survive various on-site hardship while trying endlessly to motivate and to help out the participants to go through the challenges despite many of us being fairly mistreated.
After the event, being the friendly one around Kelvin suggested that we join ViperC for the next coming year as a prove of the strength of our friendship, if we can survive the worst while helping ppl to win, so why can't we win? xD

ViperC tale 2015 prelude:
Being the scaredycat around, I steeled my heart and signed up for the event!! Hence the name Viper_Volunteer_14 was founded, we wanted to do it for our friends who couldn't make it or still wasn't ready for it yet.
By now I can say that.. it was an awesome and amazing experience!! Before I introduce to you what lies ahead on viper challenge 2015, the downside of it was that we kinda think that the management of event backfired and there wasn't many returning crew despite being offered as senior crew to help out. Kelvin talked to many on-site volunteers and they doesn't seems very happy... as for me, I was busy helping ppl around and was really surprise on different people's take on this event. 

Expectation Gap:
Many said that this is not a competition but keep urges us to run ahead, it was a good motivation however I think Kelvin is the one who truly comprehends the motto of ViperC: LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND. He is a truly impressive guy as we felt like part of the event trying to help each other out rather than leaving random participants behind who could use a little hand.
The other down part was that the planning of the entire tracks was made a little bit off-goal. It feels like last year viper was a 'essay exam question' and this year one on a 'multiple-choice question' level: with many accessible shortcuts to skip tracks, lack of volunteers motivating and helping in some obstacles, and more freedom of option to skip the obstacles, ViperChallenge seems like a ViperDare course for the new comers. It does make things alot easier! But I think the motivation level is comparatively lower compared to last year's one... if you were to push yourself ahead to beat something but the shortcut lies ahead of you, no one helps you to win and many just skip thru the obstacle not even having the thought of trying it, how motivated can you be?
That being said, if you are someone who is up for the challenges. This year ViperC is not a very merciful one for the one who seeks achievement! =D

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