Ignores the title, that came from random vocab n inspiration by me.
Well well, it aint bad at all to have a stable line(for now) and some free time to really update my blog after all these while... :D
So... Starts from UPM. June --> SeptThe orientation week was sux, seriously. But everything gots its pro n cons rite? Thats when I know n meet a lot of ppl, especially those that I m close with now... ^^
Too many to mention, K5 pepole, u know who u are~ (As if u r reading this duh? :/)
Hmm... my first ever kai mui, Shik Wei, n followed by her twin sister Shik Mei. A very lovely, nice n sweet sister they are. Shik Mei's bf r kinda cuteee n friendly, but too bad that Ah Wei is still single? Dun worry u'll find one... ^^v
Thx to them too now I know Chui Mei, a very easy going girl in UM, very active n unique... what else to say? Studious!
Desmond, whenever I m near Serumpun corner, he'll be there... always had a great time chitchatting n chui sui-ing... :P Not forget to mention bout Chin Seng n his very 'updated' sense of fashion... + his very typical style of gesture and the way he talks.. XD
For my TITAS(Tamdun Islam dan Tamadun ASia) groupmates, congrates I must say!!! yay! ^^ Although we havent really know what kind of mark we get for our assignment, it was great having our assignment completed, the one that compiled with an extremely big stack of papers, hardwork, n effort. Credit goes to all, except for me :P Karen, Ah Ying, Liyana, and groupleader Ivy.
Its always great to know more n more people and ofcoz, those who didnt keep in touch... dun blame me! >.< As for K5-er, they arent reading this. But its been really fun knowing them all. Including everyone of the 2nd batch intake.
Economy course:All guys are always busy with something, sometime while I on9 at the fac's lab, I found the other guy happends to be on9-ing at the library... typical, everyone likes to on9? :/
My roomates r kinda easy going, or maybe the term of 'high toleration' will suits him better. Well for now, he got his 'da gei' gang dy... so he wun be too bored w/o me, I hope. :-P
As for others, u know u r great. Sky, know for long, too much to say, just dun make too many gals fall for u, nuff said. Williams, haha u r still the same ol' William that nvr changes, whrs ur bicycle? still with proper tyre? Chee Hoe, chill, u r doing ur best already, stay cool.. Xian Jian, courseking u know u r great, gimme a kal n I wun dare not to ans the "King's" call :XX
Too much to mention, too many ppl to say, kay... credit goes to guys b4 the gals mah XD
Girls, so many gang, but I arent sure of the num... just that, happends to know almost everyone of u, cough* cough*, I aint racist u know, just that its natural to know all the chinese? Hey, I know Malays too, just that nvr tell them that I left. :/
The piano star Huei Ven aint at k5 anymore... but nothing is gotta stop Sprite n her gang from laughing! U sure got the attention of everyone haha...
Hey, I know too much of u all. Just keep in touch or I can really put up a special album describing each one of u. Well, two left, but the spirit is still there! Go go go!! :)
Statistic gang:Yik, Weng Khai, n Yuan Yuan. My fav gang lolz.. very nice of them. So... since u r understanding, dun nid me to write more right? :X
I know most of them during orientation n hang-out-together time, kinda playful for them, especially for the girls. The Do Re Mi Fa So, so-called my 'gf'(they are girl n they are friends XD) of k5. Thx for the small present that u all gave, its nice :)
N ofcoz, talking bout orientation, who can ever forget about what Chee Hong did? He is da best cheerleader ever! Wow! Cool.... still rmb that lol! We hates everyone n the whole orientation programme(+ the skol) during our 1st wek there, but its Chee Hong that brings up the spirit of k5 n lead us(especially the chinese) to shout till we have absolutely no voice! Haha... we showed UPM a thing or two about being a team... XD
And for his gaming team, u know who u are lar... too bad couldnt spend sleepless night gaming with u all dy... nice knowing everyone anyway :D
Angel Tan, u r in too... I told u its EVERYONE. Dun complaint that I forget ur name again! (I didnt, in fact, since ur name is always written on ur facebuk too :P)
Sunway ACCA:Well, many ppl might wanna start reading from this part, so here we go...Its seriously isnt very gud during the 1st week, getting food poisoning n all that. Went back to UPM to find my PA(Penasihat Akademik) about the procedure of stopping my current academic status in UPM but she isnt there for the very last minute, so couldnt meet her also.
On the 2nd week, things gets better. Having a lot of things done n some ppl bringing me out to 'play', it gets better... except for the part that everyone nvr stop study!! EXCEPT FOR a very lazy coursemate in my class, Song Leong. Yup thats him, nvr study... ofcoz stress lar duh... @.@
Got a roomate for now, China guy, he always like to find me n ask me lots n lots of things about Malaysia n the language we speak here.... Chinese Cantonese Hokkien Malay Eng etc.
Anyway, some things r not meant to have specific meaning one, but I hope he'll get that soon... (eg.lar, lor, lerr, haha, lala, bla bla)
Thats all for now. Still alive, getting better :)
Really thx for the supports of everyone... Breathing stronger... n better too~ =)
Honto Arigatou Gozaimasu~!